Todd Kingston

Todd Kingston


Building a World of Difference Faculty Fellow in Engineering
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering


2036 Black Engr.
2529 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 50011-2030


The Kingston Research Group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Iowa State University is a diverse and vibrant team with primary research interests in energy storage, transport, and conversion processes involving electrochemistry, multiphase flows, and/or heat transfer.

Research Website: Kingston Research Group

Research Areas: Multiphase thermal-fluid transport, Thermal management, Energy transfer and conversion, Microfluidics, Boiling heat transfer, Thermo-electrochemical phenomena, Battery science and safety


PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

MS, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University

BS, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University


  • B.R.D. Goswami, Y. Abdisobbouhi, H. Du, F. Mashayek, T.A. Kingston, V. Yurkiv, “Advancing battery safety: Integrating multiphysics and machine learning for thermal runaway prediction in lithium-ion battery module,” Journal of Power Sources, 614, 235015, 2024 (
  • K. Ahasan, N.J. Schnoebelen, P. Shrotriya, and T.A. Kingston, “Continuous sampling of aerosolized particles using stratified two-phase microfluidics,” ACS Sensors, 9, 2915-2924, 2024 (
  • R.W. Atkinson, A. Raj, T.A. Kingston, R. Carter, M. Li, and C.T. Love, “Thermal gradient strategy to improve seeding for high rate zero excess lithium metal batteries,” Frontiers in Energy Research, 12, 1327955, 2024 (
  • A. Thelen, M. Zohair, J. Ramamurthy, A. Harkaway, W. Jiao, M. Ohja, M.U. Ishtiaque, T.A. Kingston, C.L. Pint, and C. Hu, “Sequential Bayesian optimization for accelerating the design of sodium metal battery nucleation layers,” Journal of Power Sources, 581, 233508, 2023 (

  • T.A. Kingston, B.D. Olson, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “Transient flow boiling and maldistribution characteristics in heated parallel channels induced by flow regime oscillations,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 11(10), 2021 (special issue) (

  • R. Carter, T.A. Kingston, R.W. Atkinson, M. Parmananda, M. Dubarry, C. Fear, P.P. Mukherjee, and C.T. Love, “Directionality of thermal gradients in Li-ion batteries dictates diverging degradation modes,” Cell Reports Physical Science, 2(3), 100351, 2021 (

  • R.W. Atkinson, T.A. Kingston, E.J. Klein, A. NewRingeisen, R. Carter, and C.T. Love, “Minimizing lithium deactivation during high-rate electroplating via sub-ambient thermal gradient control”, Materials Today Energy, 18, 100538, 2020 (

  • T.A. Kingston, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “Time-resolved characterization of microchannel flow boiling during transient heating: Part 1 – Dynamic response to a single heat flux pulse”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154, 119643, 2020 (

  • T.A. Kingston, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “Time-resolved characterization of microchannel flow boiling during transient heating: Part 2 – Dynamic response to time-periodic heat flux pulses”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 154, 119686, 2020 (

  • R. Carter, E.J. Klein, T.A. Kingston, and C.T. Love, “Detection of lithium plating during thermally transient charging of Li-ion batteries”, Frontiers in Energy Research, 7:144, 2019 (

  • T.A. Kingston, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “Ledinegg instability-induced temperature excursion between thermally isolated, Heated Parallel Microchannels”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132, pp. 550-556, 2019 (

  • T.A. Kingston, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “High-frequency thermal-fluidic characterization of dynamic microchannel flow boiling instabilities: Part 1 – Rapid-bubble-growth instability at the onset of boiling”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 106, pp. 179-188, 2018 (

  • T.A. Kingston, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “High-frequency thermal-fluidic characterization of dynamic microchannel flow boiling instabilities: Part 2 – Impact of operating conditions on instability type and severity”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 106, pp. 189-201, 2018 (

  • T.A. Kingston, J.A. Weibel, and S.V. Garimella, “An experimental method for controlled generation and characterization of microchannel slug flow boiling”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106, pp. 619-628, 2017 (

  • T.A. Kingston, T.A. Geick, T.R. Robinson, and T.J. Heindel, “Characterizing 3D granular flow structures in a double screw mixer using X-ray particle tracking velocimetry”, Powder Technology, 278, pp. 211-222, 2015 (

  • T.A. Kingston, T.B. Morgan, T.A. Geick, T.R. Robinson, and T.J. Heindel, “A cone-beam compensated back-projection algorithm for X-ray particle tracking velocimetry”, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 39, pp. 64-75, 2014 (

  • T.A. Kingston and T.J. Heindel, “Granular mixing optimization and the influence of operating conditions in a double screw mixer”, Powder Technology, 266, pp.144-155, 2014 (

  • T.A. Kingston and T.J. Heindel, “Optical visualization and composition analysis to quantify continuous granular mixing processes”, Powder Technology, 262, pp. 257-264, 2014 (

Primary Strategic Research Area

Energy Systems




