Michael Dorneich portrait

Michael Dorneich


Morrill Professor
Joseph Walkup Professor
Director of Research (IMSE)


3028 Black Engr.
2529 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 500112030



  • PhD, Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois, 1999
  • MS, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1995
  • BS, Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1990


Interest Areas

Human Factors
Dr. Dorneich’s research interests focus on creating joint human-machine systems that enable people to be effective in the complex and often stressful environments found in aviation, military, robotic, and space applications. He specializes in adaptive systems which can provide assistance tailored to the user’s current cognitive state, situation and environment. Adaptive systems are becoming more necessary as intelligent assistants are spreading into every aspect of work, education, and home life. His recent work explores the dual costs and benefits of adaptive systems, and develops approaches to mitigate shortcomings, leverage human strengths, and augment human performance when human capacity falls short of the demands of complex operational environments. Specific research and application areas include human factors, cognitive engineering, adaptive automation and adaptive interfaces, interactive learning environments, model-based design and decision-support systems. Application domains include aviation, aerospace, construction, data driven sustainability, team tutoring, and building control systems. In addition, he conducts research on team-based teaching methods, and increasing underrepresented populations participation in STEM. Prior to joining the faculty of IMSE, he worked at Honeywell Laboratories from 1999-2012 researching adaptive system design and human factors in a variety of domains. He holds 28 US and international patents. He has authored over 220 professional, peer-reviewed papers, and is currently an Associate Editor for the Journal of IEEE Transactions of Human-Machine Systems.


* Graduate Student co-author; ** Undergraduate student co-author

 *Finseth, T., Dorneich, M.C., Keren, N., Franke, W.D., & Vardeman, S. (Accepted). “Virtual Reality Adaptive Training for Personalized Stress Inoculation,” Human Factors. https://doi.org/10.1177/00187208241241968

*Kim, J., *Kang, S.H., *Li, J., Mirka, G.A., & Dorneich, M.C. (Accepted). “Effects of a Passive Back-Support Exosuit on Postural Control and Cognitive Performance during a Fatigue-Inducing Posture Maintenance Task,” Human Factors.

Dorneich, M.C., Krejci, C., Schwab, N., *Stone, T.F., *Huckins, E., Passe, U., & Thompson, J.R. (Accepted). “Producer and consumer perspectives on supporting and diversifying local food systems in central Iowa,” Agriculture and Human Values, http://dx.doi.org/s10460-023-10504-9

*Sepich, N., **Talyat, M., **Didic, E., Dorneich, M.C., & Gilbert, S.B. (Accepted). “Video Game Interface Design Patterns to Facilitate Human-Agent Teaming,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2262824

*Jasper, A., *Sepich, N.C., Gilbert, S.G., Dorneich, M.C., & Kelly, J.W. (2023). “Predicting Cybersickness Using Individual and Task Characteristics,” Computers in Human Behavior. 146, 107800. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2023.107800

*Tokadli, G., Dorneich, M.C., & Matessa, M. (Accepted). “Towards Human-Autonomy Teaming in Single Pilot Operations: Domain Analysis and Requirements,” AIAA Journal of Air Transportation. https://doi.org/10.2514/1.D0240

*Finseth, T., Dorneich, M.C., Vardeman, S., Keren, N., & Franke, W. (2023). “Real-time Personalized Physiologically Based Stress Detection for Hazardous Operations,” IEEE Access. 11, 25431 – 25454. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3254134

Dorneich, M. C., O’Dwyer, B., Dolowitz, A., Styron, J., & Grogan, J. (2021). “Application Exercise Design for Team-Based Learning in Online Courses,” New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Vol. 2021, pp. 41-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/tl.20435

Thompson, J.R., Ganapathysubramanian, B., Chen, W., Dorneich, M., Gassman, P., Krejci, C., Liebman, M.Z., Nair, A., Passe, U., Schwab, N., Rosentrater, K., Stone, T., Wang, Y., & Zhou, Y. (2021). “Iowa UrbanFEWS: Integrating Social and Biophysical Models for Exploration of Urban Food, Energy and Water Systems,” Frontiers in Big Data, Data-Driven Climate Sciences. 4:662186, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fdata.2021.662186

*Tokadli, G., Dorneich, M.C., & Matessa, M. (2021). “Evaluation of a Playbook Delegation Approach in Human-Autonomy Teaming for Single Pilot Operations,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interactions, Special Issues on HCI in the Modern Flight Deck. Vol. 37, pp. 703-716. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2021.1890485

*Ouverson, K., *Ostrander, A., *Walton, J., *Kohl, A., Gilbert, S.B., Dorneich, M.C., Winer, E. & Sinatra, A. (2021). “Analysis of Communication, Team Situational Awareness, and Feedback in a Three-Person Intelligent Team Tutoring System,” Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 12, pp. 166. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.553015

*Bonner, D., & Dorneich, M.C. (2021). “Developing Game-Based Learning Requirements to Increase Female Interest in STEM,” International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 37, pp. 1-14.ijee.ie/1atestissues/Vol37-1/10_ijee4014.pdf

*Volz, K.M. & Dorneich, M.C. (2020). “Evaluation of Cognitive Skill Degradation in Flight Planning,” Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Vol. 14, pp. 263-287. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1555343420962897 

*Yang, E. & Dorneich, M.C. (2018). “Affect-Aware Adaptive Tutoring Based on Human-Automation Etiquette Strategies,” Human Factors. Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 510-526. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0018720818765266

Feigh, K.M., Dorneich, M.C., & Hayes, C.C. (2012). “Towards a Characterization of Adaptive Systems: a Framework for Researchers and System Designers,” Human Factors. Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 1008-1024. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0018720812443983

IMSE Courses Taught

  • IE 361. Statistical Quality Assurance
  • IE 472/572. Design and Evaluation of the Human-Computer Interaction
  • IE 501/ 601 MS/PhD Research Basics and Communications
  • IE 502/ 602 MS/PhD Research Conduct
  • IE 576 Human Factors in Product Design
  • IE 671 Research Practicum in Ergonomics
  • IE 672 Human Factors in Automation Design

Primary Strategic Research Area

Secure Cyberspace & Autonomy



