Caroline Hayes

Caroline Hayes


Professor, and John and Nancy Hayes Department Chair in Mechanical Engineering


2043 Black Engr
2529 Union Dr
Ames, IA 500112030



  • PhD, Robotics, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, May 1990
  • MS, Knowledge-Based Systems, Mellon College of Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Interdisciplinary degree between Psychology, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering. May 1987
  • BS Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, May 1983

Interest Areas

The goals of my research are to understand how to design effective systems of people and technology by combining elements of engineering, computer science, psychology and management science. By understanding how to design technology that works with, rather than in spite of people we can be more effective in our work and live more harmoniously with our technological creations. My research projects explore issues ranging from:

  • Tools for virtual collaboration;
  • Decision support in complex tasks ranging from product design, to driving and military intelligence analysis;
  • Decision making in natural work settings;
  • Globally distributed design teams and barriers to their effectiveness,
  • Telemedicine.


  • Drew, D.; Hayes, C. C.; Nguyen, M-A and Cheng, X. (2013) “Hand Images in Virtual Spatial Collaboration for Traffic Incident and Disaster Management,” Center for Transportation Studies and Intelligent Transportation Systems Technical Report no. CTS 13-15. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
  • Cornelius, C.; Hayes. C. C.; Nguyen M. A. and Makena, R. (2013), Supporting Virtual Collaboration in Spatial Design Tasks: Are Surrogate or Natural Gestures More Effective? IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, Pedrycz. W. (ed). July. (In press).
  • Makena, R. and Hayes, C. C. (2012). Telemedicine: Flexible User of Space and Flexible Adoption Strategies. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. (Under review).
  • Drew, D. and Hayes, C. (2012) “Intelligent Decision Support Inside the Vehicle to Reduce Crashes at Intersections” Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making (Under review).
  • Feigh, K.; Dorneich, M. C. and Hayes, C. C. (2012) Towards a Characterization of Adaptive Systems: a Framework for Researchers and System Designers, Human Factors. (In press).
  • Drew, D. A. and Hayes, C. C. (2012) “An Exploration of Decision Support for Drivers Inside and Outside the Vehicle Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries. 23(3) May-June.  Wiley. 22(5): 1-17. May, 2012.
  • Dorneich, M. C.; Mathan, S.; Whitlow, S.; Ververs, P. M. and Hayes, C. C. (2012) Considering Etiquette in the Design of Adaptive Systems, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making (JCEDM), Special Issue on Innovations in Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. (In press, Publication scheduled for May, 2012).
  • Dong, X. and Hayes, C. C. (2012) Uncertainty Visualizations: Helping Designers Decide When they Have Sufficient Information to Make Decisions, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Special Issue on Innovations in Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Bisantz, A. M.; Bass, E. J. and Ockerman, J. J. (guest eds.) 6(1): 30-56, March.



