Jien Chang
Affiliate Associate Professor
Morris Chang is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of South Florida. He received the Ph.D. degree from the North Carolina State University. His past industrial experiences include positions at Texas Instruments, Microelectronic Center of North Carolina and AT&T Bell Labs. He received the University Excellence in Teaching Award at Illinois Institute of Technology in 1999. His research interests include: cyber security, wireless networks, and energy efficient computer systems. In the last five years, his research projects on cyber security have been funded by DARPA. Currently, he is leading a DARPA project under Brandeis program focuses on privacy-preserving computation over Internet. He is a handling editor of Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems and the Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE IT Professional. He is a senior member of IEEE.
Ph.D., Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University (1993)
M.S., Electrical Engineering, North Carolina State University (1986)
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Tatung Institute of Technology (1983)
Interest Areas
Core Research Areas: Cyber security, wireless networks
Strategic Area: Computing and networking systems
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=x7CS-kkAAAAJ&hl=en
- Mohammad Al-Rubaie*, and J. M. Chang, ” Privacy Preserving Machine Learning: Threats, and Solutions “, Accepted for IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine,, Vol. , No. , Jan., 2018, pp. – [PDF]
- Priyangika Piyasinghe* and J. M. Chang, ” Community Detection in Dynamic Networks with Spark “, Accepted for International Journal of Data Science (IJDS) , Volume, No. , March, 2017, pp. –
- Yu-wen Chen* and J. M. Chang, ” Fair Demand Response with Electric Vehicles for the Cloud Based Energy Management Service “, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 9, Issue 1, Jan., 2018, pp. 458 – 468 [PDF]
- Taewoon Kim*, and J. M. Chang, ” QoS-Aware Energy Efficient Association and Resource Scheduling for HetNets “, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 67, Issue 1, Jan., 2018, pp. 650 – 664 [PDF]
- Taewoon Kim*, and J. M. Chang, ” Enhanced Power Saving Mechanism for Large-Scale 802.11ah Wireless Sensor Networks “, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Volume 1, No. 4, December 2017, pp. 516 – 527 [PDF]
- Pei-yuan Wu*, Chi-chen Fang, J. M. Chang and S. Y. Kung, ” Cost-Effective Kernel Ridge Regression Implementation for Keystroke-Based Active Authentication System “, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Volume 47, No. 11 , Nov. 2017, pp. 3916 – 3927 [PDF]
- S. Y. Kung, Thee Chanyaswad, J. Morris Chang, and Peiyuan Wu, ” Collaborative pca/dca Learning Methods for Compressive Privacy “, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Volume 16, No. 3, July, 2017, Article No. 76, pp. 76:1- 76:18, [PDF]
- Tamer Omar*, Ahmed Kamal, J. M. Chang, Zakhia Abichar and Mohammed Alnuem, ” Fault-Tolerant Small Cells Locations Planning in 4G/5G Heterogeneous Wireless Networks “, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 66, Issue: 6, June, 2017, pp. 5269 – 5283 [PDF]
- Kuo-yi Chen*, J. M. Chang, and T. W. Hou, ” An Energy-Efficient Java Virtual Machine “, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing , Volume 5, No. 2, April-June, 2017, pp. 263 – 275 [PDF]
- C. C. Hsu* and J. M. Chang, ” Spectrum-Energy Efficiency Optimization for Downlink LTE-A for Heterogeneous Networks “, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 16, Issue: 5, May, 2017, pp. 1449 – 1461 [PDF]