Gregory Maxwell
Email: gmaxwell@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-8645
Associate Professor Emeritus
Mechanical Engineering
2012 Black Engr.2529 Union Dr.
Ames, IA 500112030
Dr. Maxwell is author or co-author of over 21 papers in archival journals and at technical conferences. With his involvement in the Industrial Assessment Center (Director since 1996) he has worked with over 100 undergraduate students and over 20 graduates students in performing more than 250 industrial energy, waste and productivity assessments for manufacturing companies throughout the Midwest. Dr. Maxwell has served as a member of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 34/43, Building Energy Analysis Tools and IEA Task 22, Building Energy Analysis Tools. He is a member of the Big 12 Nuclear Engineering Consortium, the American Nuclear Society and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers. He has numerous teaching awards from the ME Department, College of Engineering and the University. He also holds teaching awards from the Department of Freshman Engineering at Purdue University.
- PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 1984
- MS, Nuclear Engineering, Purdue University, 1977
- BS, Physics, Purdue University, 1973
Interest Areas
- Energy usage in buildings and HVAC systems
- Industrial energy efficiency
- Nuclear energy
- Loutzenhiser PG, H. Manz, PA Strachan, C. Felsmann, T. Frank, GM Maxwell, and P. Oelhafen, 2006. An empirical validation of modeling solar gains through a glazing unit using building energy simulation programs. HVAC & R Research Vol. 12 No. 4: 1097-1116.
- Loutzenhiser PG, H. Manz, and GM Maxwell, 2007. Empirical Validations of Shading/Daylighting/Load-Interactions in Building Energy Simulation Tools. IEA Task 34/ Annex 43 Project C Report.
- G. Maxwell, P. Loutzenhiser, C. Klaassen, Economizer Control Tests for the Empirical Validation of Building Energy Analysis Tools, IEA Task 22, Subtask D, March 2004
- G. Maxwell, P. Loutzenhiser, C. Klaassen, Daylighting “HVAC Interaction Tests for the Empirical Validation of Building Energy Analysis Tools, IEA Task 22, Subtask D, April 2003
- Travesi, J, G. Maxwell, K. Klaassen, M. Holtz, Empirical Validation of Iowa Energy Resource Station Building Energy Analysis Simulation Models, A report of Task 22, Subtask A Building Energy Analysis Tools Project A.1 Empirical Validation, June 2001.