Bin Li
Email: binl@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-1248
Associate Professor
Black Engr2529 Union Dr
Ames, IA 500112030
Ph. D. Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1999-2004.
M.S. Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, University of Connecticut, 1998-1999.
M.S. Metallurgy, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1993-1996.
B.S. Mater Sci Eng, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. and Technol., China, 1986-1990.
- NSF, CMMI-2032483. PI. “Understanding Dislocation Motion and Plasticity via First Principles Simulations Towards Manufacturing of High Ductility Magnesium Alloys”. $469,200. Co-PI: Qi An. 09/01/2020 – 08/31/2023.
- NSF, CMMI-2016263. PI. “Resolving Twin-Slip Interaction Mechanisms in Hexagonal Close-Packed Metals”. $268,696. 08/01/2020 – 07/31/2023.
- NSF, CMMI-1635088. PI. “MEP / Design of Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) Magnesium Alloys.” $467,544. 08/01/2016 – 07/31/2019.
- NSF, CMMI-1506944. Lead PI. “CDS&E / Collaborative Research: Fundamental Investigation of Zinc-Coating of Advanced High Strength Steels Directed by Multiscale Modeling and Experiments.” $900,000. Other PIs: Mark Horstemeyer (Mississippi State University), Mohsen Zaeem (Missouri Institute of Science and Technology). 09/01/2015 – 08/31/2018.
- NSF, CMMI-1726897. “MRI: Acquisition of Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscope for Nanofabrication and Characterization.” $640,062. UNR cost share $274,312. PI: Dhanesh Chandra. Co-PI: Bin Li, Sid Pathak, Andrew Geraci, and Mario Alpuche. 08/01/2017 – 07/31/2020.
- DOE, DE-NE0009022. “Infrastructure Support for Nanoscale in-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Examination of Structure, Composition & Defects Evolution”. $433,228. PI: Yufeng Zheng. Co-PI: Bin Li. 10/01/2020 – 09/30/2023.
- International Zinc Association, “Site-Specific Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy Study on Inhibition Layer Formation and Galvanneal Growth on Advanced High Strength Steels”. PI. $125,000. 2011-2014.
- Army Research Office (ARO), “Toward New Magnesium Alloy Design – Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Influence of Alloying Elements on Deformation Twinning”. Short Term Innovative Research (STIR). PI. $47,752. 2011-2012.
- US Army Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), “Multi-Scale Material Modeling of Lightweight Metals under High Rate Loading Conditions”. $197,500. PI: Mark Horstemeyer. Co-PI: Bin Li, Hongjoo Rhee. 2011-2014.
Journal Publications:
- Zhou S, Chen P, Zha M, Zhu Y, Li B, Wang H. Sequential transmutation of prismatic dislocations during {11-22} twin-slip interaction in titanium. Scripta Mater 236 (2023) 115678.
- Li B*, Chen K. Grain boundary migration facilitated by phase transformation and twinning in face-centered cubic metals. J Mater Sci. 2023 Oct 1;58(37):14740–57.
- Yang Y, Liu F, Chen KF, Liu BY, Shan ZW, Li B*. Dissociation of edge and screw pyramidal I and II dislocations in magnesium. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. 11 (2023) 4498-4512.
- Li B*, Goldman A, Xu J. Reactive diffusion of lithium in silicon in anode materials for Li-ion batteries. Materialia. 2023 Jun 1;29:101796.
- Zhou S, Chen P, Zha M, Zhu Y, Li B, Wang HY. Sequential transmutation of prismatic dislocations during {11-22} twin-slip interaction in titanium. Scripta Materialia. 2023 Nov 1;236:115678.
- Li B*, Chen KF. Asymmetric (11-21)[11-2-6] twin boundary and migration mechanism in hexagonal close-packed titanium. Acta Materialia. 2022 Jun 15;232:117943.
- Chen KF, Mun S, Baskes M, Horstemeyer MF, Li B. Development of 2NN MEAM potential for Fe-Al and atomistic investigation of surface and interface properties of the inhibition layer in galvanized Fe. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering. 2022, 30:045001.
- Liu BY, Zhang Z, Yang N, Liu F, Li B, Chen P, Wang Y, Peng JH, Li J, Ma E, Shan ZW. Rejuvenation of plasticity by deformation graining in magnesium. Nature Communications. 2022, 13(1):1060.
- Li J, Sui M*, Li B*. A half-shear-half-shuffle mechanism and the single-layer twinning dislocation for {11-22}<11-2-3> mode in hexagonal close-packed titanium. Acta Materialia. 2021 Sep 1;216:117150.
- Li B*, Sun Q, Zhang XY. Lattice correspondence analysis on the formation mechanism for partial stacking faults in hexagonal close-packed metals. Computational Materials Science. 2021 Oct 1;198:110684.
- Li B*, Leung J. Lattice transformation in grain boundary migration via shear coupling and transition to sliding in face-centered-cubic copper. Acta Materialia. 2021 Aug 15;215:117127.
- Chen K, Aslam I, Li B*, Goodwin FE, Horstemeyer M. Effect of Fuel-to-Air Ratio on Oxidation and Interfacial Structure in Galvanizing of a Dual-Phase Steel. SAE Int J Mater Manuf. 2021 Apr 19;14(3):05-14-03–0021.
- Y. He, B. Li, C. Wang, S.X. Mao. Direct observation of dual-step twinning nucleation in hexagonal close-packed crystals. Nature Communications. 2020 May 18;11(1):2483.
- B. Li*, Y.D. Shen, Q. An. Structural origin of reversible martensitic transformation and reversible twinning in NiTi shape memory alloy. Acta Materialia. 2020 Oct 15;199:240–52.
- P. Chen, J. Ombogo, B. Li*. Dislocation ↔ twin transmutations during interaction between prismatic slip and {10-11} twin in magnesium. Acta Materialia. 2020 Mar 1;186:291–307.
- F. Zhang, Y. Ren, Z. Yang, H. Su, Z. Lu, C. Tan, H. Peng, K. Watanabe, B. Li, M.R. Barnett, M. Chen. The interaction of deformation twins with long-period stacking ordered precipitates in a magnesium alloy subjected to shock loading. Acta Materialia. 2020 Apr 15;188:203–14.
- L. Williams, C. Kale, S.A. Turnage, L.S. Shannahan, B. Li, K.N. Solanki, R. Becker, T.C. Hufnagel, K.T. Ramesh. Real-time observation of twinning-detwinning in shock-compressed magnesium via time-resolved in situ synchrotron XRD experiments. Phys Rev Materials. 2020 Aug 21;4(8):083603.
- B.Y. Liu, F.L. Liu, N. Yang, X.B. Zhai, L. Zhang, Y. Yang, B. Li*, J. Li, E. Ma, J.F. Nie*, Z.W. Shan*. Large Plasticity in Magnesium Mediated by Pyramidal Dislocations. Science. 365 (2019) 73-75.
- F. Chen, I. Aslam, B. Li*, R.L. Martens, J.R. Goodwin, F. Goodwin, M.F. Horstemeyer. Lift-off of surface oxides during hot-dip galvanizing of a dual-phase steel in a zinc bath with 0.125% aluminum. Met Trans A. 59 (2019)3748-3757.
- D. Shen, H.W. Yang, B. Li, Q. An. First principles high-throughput screening to enhance the ductility of lightweight magnesium alloys. Phys Rev Mater. 3 (2019) 053603.
- P. Chen, F. Wang, B. Li*. Transitory phase transformations during {10-12} twinning in titanium. Acta Mater. 171 (2019) 65–78.
- P. Chen, F. Wang, B. Li*. Dislocation absorption and transmutation at {10-12} twin boundaries in deformation of magnesium. Acta Mater. 164 (2019) 440–453.
- P. Chen, F. Wang, B. Li*. Misfit strain induced phase transformation at a basal/prismatic twin boundary in deformation of magnesium. Comput Mater Sci. 164 (2019) 186–194.
- P. Chen, F. Wang, J. Ombogo, B. Li*. Formation of 60°<01-10> boundaries between {10-12} twin variants in deformation of a magnesium alloy. Mater Sci Eng A. 739 (2019) 173–185.
- B. Mao, Y. Liao, B. Li, Abnormal twin-twin interaction in an Mg-3Al-1Zn magnesium alloy processed by laser shock peening, Scripta Mater. 165 (2019) 89–93.
- B. Mao, A. Siddaiah, X. Zhang, B. Li, P.L. Menezes, Y. Liao, The influence of surface pre-twinning on the friction and wear performance of an AZ31B Mg alloy, Applied Surface Science. 480 (2019) 998–1007.
- B. Mao, B. Li, D. Lin, Y. Liao, Enhanced room temperature stretch formability of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet by laser shock peening, Mater Sci Eng A. 756 (2019) 219–225.
- B. Mao, Y. Liao, B. Li, Gradient twinning microstructure generated by laser shock peening in an AZ31B magnesium alloy, Applied Surface Science. 457 (2018) 342–351.
- P. Chen, B. Li*, D. Culbertson, Y. Jiang. Negligible effect of twin-slip interaction on hardening in deformation of a Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy. Mater Sci Eng A. 729 (2018) 285–293.
- X. Wang, B. Li*. Atomistic calculations of surface and interfacial energies of Mg17Al12–Mg system. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys. 6 (2018) 375–383.
- X. Wang, B. Li*, Origin of deflection of precipitates during interaction with a migrating twin boundary in magnesium alloys, Comput Mater Sci. 154 (2018) 472–480.
- P. Chen, B. Li*, D. Culbertson, Y. Jiang. Contribution of extension twinning to plastic strain at low stress stage deformation of a Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy. Mater Sci Eng A. 709 (2017) 40-45.
- Q. Sun, Q.W. Zhang, B. Li*, X.Y. Zhang. Non-dislocation-mediated basal stacking faults inside twins. Scripta Mater. 141 (2017) 85-88.
- B. Li*, Q.W. Zhang, S.N. Mathaudhu. Basal-pyramidal dislocation lock in deformed magnesium. Scripta Mater. 134 (2017) 37-41.
- A. Brauer, W.R. Whittington, K.L. Johnson, B. Li, H. Rhee, P.G. Allison, C.K. Crane, M.F. Horstemeyer. Strain Rate and Stress-State Dependence of Gray Cast Iron. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. 139 (2017) 021013.
- H.C. Pan, Q. Huang, G. Qin, H. Fu, M. Xu, Y. Ren, J. She, B. Song, B. Li, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 692 (2017) 898–902.
- I. Aslam, B. Li*, R.L. Martens, J.R. Goodwin, H.J. Rhee, F. Goodwin. Transmission electron microscopy characterization of the interfacial structure of a galvanized dual-phase steel. Materials Characterization. 120 (2016) 63–68.
- B. Li* and X.Y. Zhang*. Twinning with zero twinning shear. Viewpoint Paper. Scripta Mater 125 (2016) 73-79.
- X.Y. Zhang, B. Li*, and Q. Liu. Non-equilibrium basal stacking faults in hexagonal close-packed metals. Acta Mater90 (2015) 140-150.
- Y. Zhang, B. Li*, J. Tu, Q. Sun, and Q. Liu. Non-classical Twinning Behavior in Dynamically Deformed Cobalt. Materials Research Letters 3 (2015) 142-148.
- B. Li*, M. Liao, Q. Ma, and Z. McClelland. Structure of grain boundaries with 30°[0001] misorientation in dynamically recrystallized magnesium alloys. Comput Mater Sci.101 (2015) 175-180.
- W. Zhang, B. Li*. Torsional behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon 94 (2015) 826-835.
- Z. McClelland, B. Li*, S.J. Horstemeyer, S. Brauer, A.A. Adedoyin, L.G. Hector, Jr., M.F. Horstemeyer. Geometrically necessary twins in bending of a magnesium alloy. Mater Sci Eng A. 645 (2015) 298-305.
- Y. Liu, J. Wang, B. Li, E. Ma, J. Sun, X.Y. Zhang, Z.W. Shan. Twinning-like lattice reorientation without a crystallographic twinning plane. Nature Communications 5 (2014) 3297.
- Eswar Prasad, B. Li, N. Dixit, M. Shaffer, S.N. Mathaudhu, K.T. Ramesh. The dynamic flow and failure behavior of magnesium and magnesium alloys. JOM 66 (2014) 291 – 304.
- B. Li*, Z. McClelland, S.J. Horstemeyer, I. Aslam, P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Time dependent springback of a magnesium alloy. Materials and Design 2015 (66) 575-580.
- Q. Ma, B. Li, W.R. Whittington, A.L. Oppedal, E.B. Marin, P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Texture evolution during dynamic recrystallization in a magnesium alloy at 450 °C. Acta Mater 67 (2014) 102-115.
- M. Liao, B. Li, M.F. Horstemeyer. Interaction between a basal dislocation and a Mg17Al12 precipitate. Metall Mater Trans A 45A (2014) 3661-3669.
- I. Aslam, B. Li, Z. McClelland, S.J. Horsteme yer, Q. Ma, P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Three point bending behavior of a ZEK100 Mg alloy at room temperature. Mater Sci Eng A 590 (2014) 168-173.
- B. Li*, X.Y. Zhang*. Global strain generated by shuffling-dominated twinning. Scripta Mater 71 (2014) 45-48.
- M. Pozuelo, S.N. Mathaudhu, S. Kim, B. Li, W.H. Kao, J.-M. Yang. Deformation Twins in a Nanocrystalline Magnesium Alloy Processed by Cryomilling. Phil Mag Lett 93 (2013) 640-647.
- Q. Ma, B. Li, Z. McClelland, S.J. Horstemeyer. Negative strain rate sensitivity of twinning in a magnesium alloy at high temperature. Metall Mater Trans A 44A (2013) 4480-4485.
- M. Liao, B. Li, M.F. Horstemeyer. Interaction between a prismatic dislocation and a Mg17Al12 precipitate in magnesium. Computational Mater Sci 79 (2013) 534-539.
- B. Li. Formation of helicity in an armchair single-walled carbon nanotube during tensile loading. Computational Mater Sci 74 (2013) 27-32.
- Q. Ma, W. Mao, B. Li, P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Substructure and texture evolution in an annealed aluminum alloy at medium Strains. Metall Mater Trans A 44 (2013) 4404-4415.
- B. Li*, Q. Ma, Z. McClelland, S.J. Horstemeyer, W.R. Whittington, S. Brauer, P.G. Allison. Twin-like domains and fracture in deformed magnesium. Scripta Mater 69 (2013) 493-496.
- M. Liao, B. Li, M.F. Horstemeyer. Unstable dissociation of a prismatic dislocation in magnesium. Scripta Mater 69 (2013) 246-249.
- Q. Ma, B. Li, A.L. Oppedal, W. Whittington, S.J. Horstemeyer, E.B. Marin, P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Strain rate dependence of twinning and effect on microstructure at 450 °C in a magnesium alloy. Mater Sci Eng A 559 (2013) 314-318.
- Y. Zhang, B. Li*, X.L. Wu, Y.T. Zhu, Q. Ma, Q. Liu, P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Twin boundaries showing very large deviations from the twinning plane. Scripta Mater 67 (2012) 862-865.
- B. Li*, S.P. Joshi, O. Almagri, Q. Ma, K.T. Ramesh, T. Mukai. Rate-Dependent Hardening Due to Twinning in Ultrafine-Grained Magnesium Alloy. Acta Mater 60, 2012: 1818-1826.
- C. Baird, B. Li, S. Yazdan Parast, S.J. Horstemeyer, L.G. Hector Jr., P.T. Wang, M.F. Horstemeyer. Localized Twin Bands in Sheet Bending of A Magnesium Alloy. Scripta Mater 67, 2012: 471-474.
- Q. Ma, H. El Kadiri, A.L. Oppedal, J.C. Baird, B. Li, M.F. Horstemeyer, S.C. Vogel. Twinning Effects in a Rod-Textured AM30 Magnesium Alloy. Int J Plasticity 29 (2012) 60-76.
- B. Li*, H. El Kadiri, M.F. Horstemeyer. Extended Zonal Dislocations Mediating twinning in Titanium. Philo Mag 92, 2012: 1006-1022.
- E. Huskins, B.Y. Cao, B. Li, K.T. Ramesh. Temperature-Dependent Mechanical Response of an UFG Aluminum Alloy at High Rates. Experimental Mechanics 52, 2012: 185-194.
- C. Ma, B. Li, E. Marin, S.J. Horstemeyer. Twinning Induced Dynamic Recrystallization in a Magnesium Alloy Extruded at 450ºC. Scripta Mater 65 (2011) 823-826.
- Q. Li, B. Li, Y.B. Wang, M.L. Sui, E. Ma. Twinning mechanism via synchronized activation of partial dislocations in face-centered-cubic materials. Scripta Mater 64 (2011) 852-855.
- B. Li*, P.F. Yan, M.L. Sui, E. Ma. Transmission electron microscopy study of stacking faults and their interaction with pyramidal dislocations in deformed magnesium. Acta Mater 58 (2010) 173-179.
- B. Li*, E. Ma. Atomic shuffling dominated mechanism for deformation twinning in magnesium. Phys Rev Lett 103 (2009) 035503.
- B. Li*, E. Ma. Zonal dislocations mediating twinning in magnesium. Acta Mater 57, 2009: 1734-1743.
- Q. Li, M.L. Sui, B. Li, E. Ma, S.X. Mao. Re versible twinning in pure aluminum, Phys Rev Lett 103 (2009) 205504.
- B. Li*, B.Y. Cao, K.T. Ramesh, E. Ma. A nucleation mechanism of deformation twins in pure aluminum. Acta Mater 57 (2009) 4500-4507.
- B. Li*, E. Ma. Pyramidal slip in magnesium: dislocations and stacking fault on the plane. Philo Mag 89 (2009) 1223-1235.
- M. Byer, B. Li, B.Y. Cao, K.T. Ramesh. Microcompression of single crystal magnesium. Scripta Mater 62, 2010: 536-539.
- B. Li*, S. Joshi, K. Azevedo, E. Ma, K.T. Ramesh, R.B. Figueiredo, T.G. Langdon. Dynamic testing at high strain rates of an ultrafine-grained magnesium alloy processed by ECAP. Mater Sci Eng A 517, 2009: 24-29.
- X.L. Wu, B. Li, E. Ma. Vacancy clusters in ultra-fine grained Al by severe plastic deformation. Appl Phys Lett 91, 2007: 141908.
- B. Li*, E. Ma, K.T. Ramesh. Dislocation configurations in an extruded ZK60 magnesium alloy. Metall Mater Trans A, 39A, 2008: 2607.
- B. Li*, H.D. Brody and A. Kazimirov. Real time observation of dendrite coarsening in Sn-13%Bi alloy by synchrotron microradiography. Phys Rev E 70, 2004: 062602.
- B. Li*, H.D. Brody and A. Kazimirov. Real time study of dendrite coarsening in Sn-13%Bi alloy by synchrotron microradiography. Metall Mater Trans A 38A, 2007: 599.
- B. Li*, H.D. Brody and A. Kazimirov. Synchrotron microradiography of temperature gradient zone melting in Sn-13%Bi alloy. Metall Mater Trans A 37A, 2006: 1039.
- B. Li*, H.D. Brody, D.R. Black, H.E. Burdette, C. Rau. Real time observation of dendritic solidification in alloys by synchrotron microradiography. J Phys D: Appl. Phys, 39, 2006: 4450.
- B. Li*, H.D. Brody, D.R. Black, H.E. Burdette, C. Rau. A compact design of a temperature gradient furnace for synchrotron microradiography. Meas Sci Technol 17, 2006: 1883.
- B. Li*, X.M. Zhang, P.C. Clapp and J.A. Rifkin. Molecular dynamics simulation of effects of lattice defects on martensite nucleation. J Appl Phys 95, 2004: 1698.
- B. Li*, P.C. Clapp, J.A. Rifkin and X.M. Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulation of stick-slip, J Appl Phys 90, 2001: 3090.
- B. Li*, P.C. Clapp, J.A. Rifkin and X.M. Zhang. Molecular dynamics calculation of heat dissipation during sliding friction, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46, 2003: 37.
- X.M. Zhang, J. Fernandez, J.M. Guilemany, B. Li, M. Liu and X.W. Sha. Nature of two-way shape memory effect in shape memory alloys, Recent Research Developments in Materials Science 2, 2001: 79.
- X.M. Zhang, B.Li, X.W. Sha, Z.Q. Sun, R. Li. Simulations of martensite nucleation at dislocations. Journal of Materials Science and Technology 16, 2000: 370.
- Li, X.M. Zhang and Y.Y. Li. Molecular dynamics simulation of low angle boundaries. Acta Physica Sinica Acta Physica Sinica (overseas edition), 7(8), 1998: 583.
- Sha Xianwei, Li Bin, Zhang Xiumu and Li Yiyi, Simulation of transformation mechanism of martemsites in Ni62.5Al37.5 Alloy, Science in China E (overseas edition), 28
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Advanced Materials & Manufacturing