Staff | ECpE Postdoctoral AppointmentsElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridMachine Learning and Deep LearningMicrogridsPower System
Staff | ECpE Postdoctoral AppointmentsElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridPower System Voltage Stabilitypower systems optimizationRenewable Energy and Smart Grid Control
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in EngineeringControlCyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridCyber SecurityCyber-Physical SystemsData AnalyticsData Analytics and Machine LearningData Driven Decision MakingData ScienceDeep learningDynamics and ControlGame theoryMachine LearningMachine Learning and Deep LearningOptimization
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cloud ComputingCyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridMachine Learning and Deep LearningRenewable Energy and Smart Grid Control
Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering
Murray J. and Ruth M. Harpole Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridCyber Security for Critical Infrastructure SystemsInternet of Things (IoT) Security and PrivacyQuality of Service (QoS) and Overlay NetworksReal-Time Embedded Systems and Sensor Networks