A Unifed System Theoretic Framework for Cyber Attack-Resilient Power Grid

The modern power grid is a highly automated network. The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network forms the backbone, and helps perform sensing, monitoring and control functions in real-time. The recent trend, documented in government reports, indicates the growing threat of cyber-based attacks in numbers and sophistication on the nation's electric grid and other critical infrastructures. The goal of this project is to develop a synergetic research and educational program in cyber-physical systems (CPS) security of electric grid by undertaking the following Objectives
  • Development of a fundamental system-theoretic modeling framework for cyber-physical systems security based on unifcation of tools from control theory and cyber security.

  • Development of a methodology for impact analysis that includes systematic identification of worst case attack vectors for power system's wide area control and evaluating the resulting consequences on the power grid in terms of stability violations and performance loss.

  • Development of robust cyber-physical countermeasures employing combination of methods from system theory, cyber security and model-based, data-driven tools in the form of domain specific anomaly detection, tolerance algorithms and attack-resilient control algorithms, and design of sensor network for making network less vulnerable to attacks.

  • Evaluating effectiveness of the proposed impact modeling and mitigation algorithms through model, simulation, and testbed-based evaluation using realistic topologies and attack scenarios.

  • Implementing education activities that involve the development of a new course, senior design projects, and outreach activities in the area of CPS security.


  • Umesh Vaidya (PI) (ugvaidya@iastate.edu) Iowa State University

  • Manimaran Govindarasu (Co-PI) Iowa State University

  • Venkataramana Ajjarapu (Co-PI) Iowa State University

  • Makan Fardad (PI) Syracuse University


  • A Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Synchronization in power networks with stochastic interactions. Submitted to American Control Conference, 2015. (here)

  • Aditya Ashok, Manimaran Govindarasu, and Venkataramana Ajjarapu, Model-based Online Anomaly Detection to Mitigate Cyber Attacks in Power System State Estimation, Under review for publication in IEEE Transactions of Smart Grid. (here)

  • Aditya Ashok, Adam Hahn, and Manimaran Govindarasu, Cyber-physical security of Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control in a smart grid environment, Journal of Advanced Research,, Vol 5, Issue 4, 2014. (here)

  • M. Fardad, A. Diwadkar, and U. Vaidya, On Sparse link removal for controllability degradation in dynamic networks, To appear in the proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2014. (here)

  • S. Pushpak, A. Diwadkar, M. Fardad, U. Vaidya, Vulnerability Analysis of Large-Scale Dynamical Networks to Coordinated Attacks, To appear in the proceedings of Australian Control Conference, 2014. (here)

  • A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Synchronization in complex network system with uncertainty, To appear in the Proceedings of IEEE Control and Decision Conference, 2014. (here)

  • A. Diwadkar and U. Vaidya, Limitations and tradeoffs in syncrhonization of large scale stochastic networks, Under review for publication in Scientific Reports, Nature Publication Group. (here)

  • A. Reddy, K. Ekmen, V. Ajjarapu, and U. Vaidya, PMU based Real-Time Short Term Voltage Stability Monitoring Analysis and Implementation on a Real-Time Test Bed, North American Power Symposium, Pullman, Washington. (here)