Staff | ECpE Postdoctoral AppointmentsElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridMachine Learning and Deep LearningMicrogridsPower System
Faculty | ME FacultyMechanical Engineering | 3D printingAdditive ManufacturingAdvanced materialsComputational modelingDigital thread/Digital twinMachine Learning and Deep LearningManufacturing Processeswelding
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Applications in EngineeringControlCyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridCyber SecurityCyber-Physical SystemsData AnalyticsData Analytics and Machine LearningData Driven Decision MakingData ScienceDeep learningDynamics and ControlGame theoryMachine LearningMachine Learning and Deep LearningOptimization
Faculty | ECpE FacultyElectrical and Computer Engineering | Cloud ComputingCyber Physical Systems (CPS) Security for Smart GridMachine Learning and Deep LearningRenewable Energy and Smart Grid Control