Rozier, Kristin-Yvonne

Kristin-Yvonne Rozier image

Associate Professor, Dennis and Rebecca Muilenburg Professor
Computer Science (Courtesy)
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy)
Mathematics (Courtesy)
Virtual Reality Applications Center (Affiliation)

Faculty | AERE Faculty Aerospace Engineering ECpE Courtesy Appointments | Algorithms Automated Reasoning Autonomy Discrete Mathematics Formal Methods Model Checking Requirements Specification Robotics Runtime Verification Satisfiability

Basu, Samik

Samik Basu image Professor [COM S]
Faculty | Computer Science SE Faculty Software Engineering | Formal Methods

Kumar, Ratnesh

Ratnesh Kumar image

Barbara and James R. Palmer Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty | ECpE Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering | Automation Biosensors and point of care diagnostics Cyber-Physical Systems Data Analytics and Machine Learning Dynamics and Control Energy Harvesting Food and agricultural system improvements and evaluation Formal Methods Machine vision Nanophotonics Networks and Distributed Systems Power Systems Modeling and Control Real-Time Embedded Systems and Sensor Networks Sensors Software analysis for cybersecurity