Dr. Nora Ryan

Dr. Nora Ryan serves as the Inclusion Services Coordinator within the Office of Equal Opportunity.  Her responsibilities include assuring compliance with various Federal and State laws & regulations pertaining to people with disabilities.  She also coordinates religious accommodations requests and serves as the lead person for operations and dissemination of the Campus Climate Response Team.  Prior to her career at ISU, Ryan worked for the Executive Office of the President while pursuing her Ph.D. at GWU in Washington, D.C.  Her research focused on the racial and ethnic classifications utilized by the federal government.  Ryan is an ISU alumna.

You Have Nice Hair… For a Black Girl:  The Dangers of Microaggressions and the Colorblind Philosophy

What does “microaggression” really mean?  How do microaggressions impact people?  In this program, we will gain a deeper understanding of what constitutes a microaggression and how, for some individuals, the presence of these statements can drastically affect the climate of an environment.  We will discuss strategies for combating their usage by others, but also by ourselves.  The second focus of the program will be on the “colorblind philosophy.” Does ignoring or dismissing differences foster an inclusive environment, or does it actually polarize it?  What should future leaders of a diverse environment consider?

The Importance of Cultural Proficiency in Effective Leadership

From denial and destruction to integration and responsiveness, the Cultural Proficiency Continuum examines the many stages of personal and professional growth in the quest for creating an equitable environment. The continuum will be explored, along with an introduction to the dangers of the “colorblind philosophy” and microaggressions. Participants will have the opportunity to listen, learn, reflect, and share.