Dr. Julie Snyder-Yuly

Dr. Julie Snyder-Yuly holds a B.S. in psychology, an M.S. in interdisciplinary graduate studies, and a Ph.D. in communication. She is currently a faculty member in the Leadership Studies Program at Iowa State University where she teaches Leadership Styles and Strategies in a Diverse SocietyLeading with PurposeWomen and LeadershipProfessional Communication, and coordinates the Dean’s Leadership Seminar. She also teaches public speaking, interpersonal communication, and business communication. Outside of her academic work, she enjoys riding scooters, working with animal rescue, doing stained glass work, and participating in a number of outdoor activities.

Exploring Core Values and Work Inspiration

All of us are driven by something deep inside but rarely do we take time to recognize and explore this motivation. Values are the driving force behind why we get up in the morning, the choices we make and why we behave the way we do. This presentation is two-fold. First, it is designed to help students identify and explore their core values through a series of reflective activities. Second, it will discuss how these values impact our personal and professional satisfaction. In order to gain clarity and live a happy and successful life, then understanding one’s values is fundamental.