Carley Fulcher

Fulcher is a senior in Civil Engineering and is also working towards her minor in leadership and Master of Business Administration degree. She is passionate about leadership and developing the soft skills that are often overlooked in lecture-style classes. Last academic year, she was the President of a student organization called Emerging Leaders in Engineering. Through this experience and her leadership classwork she learned the do’s and don’ts of running a student organization. Her biggest take away was how to “motivate the middle”. Keeping your club members engaged in the club’s vision is crucial to being successful in the long term. In her free time, she loves to take pictures, disc golf, and go to any and all Iowa State Athletic events.

Motivating the Middle

What are the different levels of engagement in student organization members and what motivates each level?  This session will discuss how certain events, practices, or habits may negatively impact motivation and engagement, and identify ways to move towards strategies of engaging members where they are vs where you want them to be.  Finally, how to set more realistic expectations of member involvement.