Dr. Ian Schneider

Dr. Schneider is currently an Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the advisor to the Triangle Fraternity. He is a member of several committees and organizations at ISU including the Chemical and Biological Engineering Department curriculum committee, the College of Engineering curriculum committee and the Faculty Senate. He has been advising the student organizers of the ELT conference over the past several months. He hopes the conference demonstrates to students that leaders can have vastly different personality traits and that leaders should strive properly to appreciate diversity in viewpoint. Dr. Schneider loves interacting with students and building close relationships with them as they grow both professionally and personally and looks forward to seeing the fruits of the conference. 


Quiet Leaders

Imagine a successful leader and describe that person: comfortable in large groups, energetic, able to make quick decisions and deliver compelling orations, visibly confident, outwardly passionate? Do you feel like you need to develop these personal characteristics to become a leader or even professionally successful? The world tricks us into believing we need to develop these typical characteristics for effective leadership or even professional success, rather than leveraging other traits. In this talk, I will describe the advantageous characteristics of introverts and quiet leaders and provide anecdotes that hopefully broaden your perspective on what it means to be a leader.