ICNE Presentations

Initiative for a Carbon Negative Economy


Slides from relevant presentations made by ICNE members. Click on title to download or link to media.

Biochar as Part of a Carbon Negative Economy (PDF)

Robert C. Brown, Director, Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State University
Presented at the Horticulture Seminar, Iowa State University
Oct. 7, 2013

Carbon Negative Energy (PDF)

Robert C. Brown, Director, Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State University
Presented to ISU Extension and USDA ARS staff
Sept. 10, 2013

Biochar and Ecosystems (video and slides)

Lori Biederman, Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology, Iowa State University
Presented at ICNE meeting
Jan. 30, 2013

Biofuels: Challenges and Opportunities (PDF)

Brent Shanks, Steffenson Professor  Chemical & Biological Engineering, Iowa State University
Presented at Council for Chemical Research 33rd Annual Meeting
May 22, 2012

Vision for a Carbon Negative Environment (PDF)

Robert C. Brown, Director, Bioeconomy Institute, Iowa State University
Presented at the ICNE First National Panel Meeting
October 6, 2011